Methodology Matters. The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) released their annual Unsupported Price Increase report and I find the whole process maddening. The inflationary metric they used was medical, not general (CPI-U). You might think that didn’t matter but it does. You know what medical inflation was? 0.48%. So anything over 2.48% increase…
Back to back. Arnold Ventures put out the latest anti-pharma talking points (h/t Brian Reid) and here were two back to back – Here’s the problem, it really isn’t about the cost of drugs. I mean you could take that drug price and reduce it 98% and the 25% cost share would still be too…
It is rare for me to print things anymore; limited access to a giant corporate printer cuts down on the urge. But today I got the printer going, grabbed the highlighter and dug in. The paper? “Is the price right? Paying for value today to get more value tomorrow.” If I were a health policy…
It used to be that pharmaceutical manufacturers had to worry (mostly) about federal health policy. Every few years manage through a big piece of legislation from Congress and then the regulation on Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and any regulation that came out of the legislation. But over the past few years, the drug…